Two-Mode Networks

I just wanted to share a potential workaround for users that need two-mode functionality (such as the ability to show two node types on a sociogram) which will work within the existing software. @bernieh has used this approach, and with some caveats it might get you what you are looking for.


A little known feature of the software is that it allows you to customise the way that nodes are labelled. This is achieved by writing a small function in JavaScript that is called for each node in the interview network that returns the label the app should use. This functionality is documented here:

The workaround being proposed here is to use this functionality to append text or an emoji to a node’s label, based on an attribute you have created to represent its “type”. This will allow the participant to visually disambiguate a node’s type within the interview, and will also allow you to filter and sort by this property.


To implement this workaround you must do the following:

  1. Create your protocol in Architect as you normally would. Use only a single node type, which will be used to represent all the types we will define in the next step.
  2. Use node attributes to differentiate between your actual network types. We suggest using a series of boolean attributes (isFriend , isFamiliy etc.). Doing so will allow you to set these attributes using the ‘assign additional variables’ feature of the Name Generator interfaces. For example, on a prompt asking the participant to nominate family, you can set the isFamily attribute to true.
  3. Create a custom nodeLabelWorker.js file (see example script below) which will use your boolean attributes to add an appropriate label to the node, so that the participant can visually identify the type during the interview. Consult the documentation for further details.
  4. Add your script to your protocol file. To do this, rename your protocol from <filename>.netcanvas to <filename>.zip (basically, change the file extension to .zip!), and extract the contents. Add the nodeLabelWorker.js file at the same level. The file structure should look as it does in the following screenshot:

  1. Now, reverse the previous step. Select the files (making sure to also select the assets directory) and zip them. Rename the resulting file to .netcanvas, and test your changes. Take care not to zip the parent folder - the software requires the protocol.json file to be at the root level of the zip archive.

Sample Script

Below is a sample nodeLabelWorker.js script that will add an emoji to each node’s label, based on the value of a variable called type.

Note: The \u{0a} string in the sample represents a ‘line feed’ (new line) character. It will simply put the emoji on a separate line from the text.

function nodeLabelWorker({ node }) {

  if (node.isFriend) {
    return `💙\u{0a}${}`;

  if (node.isFamily) {
    return `👨‍👩‍👧‍👦\u{0a}${}`;

  if (node.isColleague) {
    return `👨‍💻\u{0a}${}`;


You can use this script as the basis for your own behaviour!

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