Trying to follow the R tutorial on a Mac

Hi, I am trying to follow the R tutorial for importing data into R and I cannot get the command for setting the path to work.

folderPath ← paste0(getwd(),‘/networkCanvasExport/’)

Should I set my working directory to where the file is located? It is currently in my downloads folder. I’d like to replicate the steps to work on data I collected for a research project, but I can’t seem to get anything in the tutorial to work. If anyone out there can help, that would be appreciated.

Hi, and welcome to the community! :wave:

You don’t mention what isn’t working about setting the folder path, but the tutorial has a comment above the code which says the following:

# This assumes the the data was unzipped to the "networkCanvasExport" folder that is 
# located in the same folder as this script
# If the you have data somewhere else, set that folder path here:
folderPath <- paste0(getwd(),'/networkCanvasExport/')

In other words, you can (and should) set this path to wherever you extracted your data (such as ~/Downloads/whatever). If you don’t understand how to do this, you might need to ask for help with learning R elsewhere, as the tutorial unfortunately makes some assumptions about existing knowledge so that we can skip to the Network Canvas specific stuff.

Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

Thanks for responding. I feel completely stupid that I posted this at all. I figured it out after posting this but couldn’t delete the thread.