Skip Logic Based on Number of Nodes

Hello, my survey is set up so that in one stage use a name generator from roster and I ask respondents to select all roles that apply. But then, I want to narrow it down to the top 5 roles.

But I’m wondering if there is a way to create a skip logic so that I only show the narrowing down stage if someone named more than 5 roles in the first place. So it’s more complex than just a skip based on the presence of the alter, but the presence and number of alters.


Hello! I’m afraid not. We had this feature in the software a long time ago, but it was complicated to reason about. We are considering adding it back again when we release Studio.

My advice would be to just show the additional screen (with my suggestion for this being to use the sociogram with automatic layout, so that nodes can be tapped quickly). It shouldn’t introduce too much additional burden.

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