Hi, i’m using two consecutive stages displaying nodes on the sociogram. In the first, I ask participant to choose people who are giving them different kinds of support (affective, material, etc.). This works fine, but when moving to the next stage where I ask participant to choose people to whom they give different kinds of support to, nodes are already highlighted. I must unselect the nodes, then select them another time based on the participant’s answer. In doing so, answers of the stage before are lost… Anyone can help ?
Hello Marie! Welcome to the community forum
The only way the behaviour you are describing could happen is if you are accidentally using the same variable for both stages.
Please check that you are using a different variable for “people who give support to the participant” and people “the participant gives support to”. I don’t know your variable naming scheme, but I would use something like gives_support
and receives_support
This is of course configured in the edit prompt section of the sociogram stage editor, as per the screenshot below:
If you are certain that you are using a different variable at each stage, please email your protocol to [email protected], and I will be happy to look into it.
Hope this helps!
Hi Joshua, I did as you said and its working just fine. Thanks you SO much for your quick and precise response. I’m very grateful !
You’re very welcome. Please feel free to start more threads whenever you have questions