Network Canvas Paradata

Hi all,

I’m Raquel, and I’m working a project looking at the impact of a 12-month work experience program on the networks of disadvantaged South African youth.

I would like to know what paradata network canvas collects and if it is possible how to add timestamps to measure how long certain survey questions are taking?

Hi Raquel

Are you working with SALDRU or at UCT (or the wider Cape Town area) by any chance? If so, could you please email me at - I would love to connect!

In terms of ‘paradata’, really it is only interview start and end time. We did have log data in our prototype many years ago, but we never had time to implement it in the current software. It could be added relatively easily, but this would require developer time that we don’t currently have funding for.

As an open source project you are welcome to commission the work from anyone you wish. If you’d like to talk about this, shoot me an email and we can arrange a meeting.