On the Network Canvas website, I have seen differing statements regarding the use of Network Canvas on iPad. While it clearly isn’t an ideal device for survey administration, is there any way to successfully download the interviewer app and administer surveys using iPads?
Regarding iOS - unfortunately, it has not been possible for us to maintain public distribution of the app due to a roadblock we encountered with Apple. The only current option available for iPad users is access via private distribution. However, given the complexity of using the iOS platform, we are strongly encouraging folks to use other tablets or devices if at all possible.
To use the private distribution process requires the use of an organizational Apple ID and the support from an institutional IT team for deployment. Is this something you have access to? If yes, then the first step would be to send us your organizational Apple ID (just to clarify not an individual Apple ID) and the organization name linked to this ID (send both to our team email [email protected]). We would then be able to make the app available to your organization (lab) and your IT department can work with you to get it installed on the devices you need.
Thanks for the prompt reply. Is deployment something that must be done in bulk or can it be done one device at a time? We had planned on ordering the Google Pixel C to administer our survey but they wont come in on time so we are currently looking for a workaround that would allow us to use our current supply of iPads. Our iPads are a little older and they are not managed by the Apple school manager software. Thanks for your help!
Your IT team should be able to deploy to relevant devices one at a time. Once we enable your access to the app via the private distribution process, you’ll be able to add the app to as many devices as you like across whatever timeframe you choose.
A couple of things to keep in mind as you’re considering your options: 1) iPadOS 14.2 or newer is supported, 2) while we are publishing iOS versions of Interviewer, we are not able to test them as thoroughly as we are for other supported platforms (there is a greater potential for bugs we are not aware of), and 3) without an organization Apple ID, we wouldn’t be able to set up the private distribution.
I just want to add that it is possible to use an iPad to administer Network Canvas interviews via Fresco, assuming that your devices will be connected to WiFi for the duration of the interview.
This will be the preferred way of using Network Canvas on tablet devices going forwards, as it means we are able to completely bypass the Apple App review process.
Currently the biggest drawback is that Safari on iPad shows quite a lot of visible UI, which can clutter the screen. We are investigating options for making Fresco able to run full screen in this context, and hope to have a solution in the next few weeks.