Help with code to merge network output with Qualtrics output


I would greatly appreciate some help/feedback with merging Network Canvas data with output from Qualtrics.

Specifically, I am aiming to create a combined dataset in both wide (one row per index with all network information as columns) and long (one row per network member where that network member’s data is appended to their index’s data) format.

We will not be using the network-network relationship output. The inputs will be:

  1. Data from Qualtrics, where each row is an index (one column lists participant ID)
  2. Ego data from Network Canvas (will manually enter above participant ID)
  3. Network attribute data from Network Canvas

The hope is to merge ego data with Qualtrics, and then append the network attribute data into both a long and wide format. I am using STATA 18. Our team has managed to identify code that can generate data in the long format but we are encountering some issues creating the wide format. We thought this might be an issue that you all have worked through before.

Any assistance would be very appreciated!


Hi Grace!

I’m afraid that we don’t have experience with this particular issue, since we are mostly focused on the development of the software. Usually data management and manipulation is something that happens after the data collection, and so is outside of our remit.

If you could say more about what the issues are with the wide data, I might be able to speculate on a solution.

Controversial take: have you tried asking Claude/ChatGPT?