Best ways to collect info on alters of alters?

Hi there! I’m new to Network Canvas and am setting up a protocol to test out with my team :sweat_smile:. I’m hoping to use it to ask the interviewee name their connections (alters) and then ask the interviewee to name the known connections of their alters. Do folks have suggestions on ways to do this in my protocol?

Essentially, I would like to have the interviewee add their alters (using a name generator (using forms) stage). Then for each of their alters listed, I would like to have the interviewee add known alters of their alters (again using a name generator (using forms) stage) and then have them do a sociogram stage or two (to describe the relationships between the alters of their alters). So kind of like have the interview get at two degrees of connections in a way if that makes sense.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions/tips/advice!! Happy to clarify if there are any follow-up questions.


First of all, welcome to the user community (and to Network Canvas in general)! :wave:

Please accept my apologies for taking so long to get back to you - we were away at the Sunbelt conference in Portland and are just catching up with everything we missed.

It sounds like you want to “follow up” about each person mentioned on an initial name generator, to ask another name generator? This is not a method that I am familiar with, but I can see why it would be interesting to explore.

Unfortunately, I can’t think of a “smart” way of doing this in the software right now. I think your best bet is to do something like have your second name generator use the “side panel” functionality to show people that were named on the first name generator, and then describe the task in your prompt (“for each of the people in the side panel: who do they spend time with?”, etc.).

Sorry that we don’t have anything that would make this work better! We know that people want to “pipe” data into their prompts, but I haven’t thus far heard of anyone wanting to pipe node names into a prompt in this way. I will think about if we can improve this design in the future.